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AMA: Desert Storm - Operation Yellow Ribbon

The AMA Group released a colorful trading cards set during this period, dedicating it to the efforts here and abroad that appeared in support of the troops.  Yellow ribbons began to appear of trees, signposts, flagpoles and also as well as on pieces of jewelry.  This 60 card set included bios on some of the soldiers and behind the scenes personnel.
           Card List:

1 Commander in Chief
2 F-117A Stealth Fighter
3 Gas Mask
4 Hawk Missiles
5 M-1 Abrams Tank
6 Troops at "Ready" in the desert
7 U.S. Aircraft Carrier
8 Harrier AV-8B
9 Tomcats F-14
10 Patriot Missile (Scud Buster)
11 Ready To Go
12 U.S. Guided Missile Frigate
13 U.S. Marines in Saudi Desert
14 Maximum Control
15 Maximum Protection
16 Air Superiority
17 Air to Air Refueling
18 Sea Superiority
19 Allied Ground Forces
20 Black hawk UH-60A Helicopter
21 Allied Troops In Action
22 U.S.S. Wisconsin
23 Free Kuwaiti Air Force
24 Mid-Air Refueling
25 "The Hummer"
26 US Troops in Saudi Arabia
27 Intra-Arab Forces
28 The Battle of Khafji
29 Nimrod Laser Guided Missile
30 A-7's on Patrol
31 F-18 Hornet
32 F-15 Eagle
33 Super Stallion
34 Awaiting the Next Mission
35 The "Big Guns"
36 On the Alert
37 On the Offense
38 Comrades In Arms
39 The Invisible Fighter
40 B-52 Bomber
41 AH-64 Apache
42 Air to Air Action
43 The Stinger Missile
44 F-14 Tomcat - A-6E Intruder
45 Iraqi P.O.W.s
46 UH-60 Black Hawk
47 Carrier Landing
48 A-10 Warthog
49 Pilot's View
50 Standing Guard
51 Desert Watch
52 President George H. Bush
53 Richard Cheney - Secretary of Defense
54 Colin Powell - Chrm. Joint Chiefs of Staff
55 General H. Norman Schwarzkopf - Desert Storm Field Commander
56 First Lieutenant Patrick K. Milligan USMC
57 James Paul Seith - Lance Corporal USMC - Marine Scout Sniper
58 HM3 Derek L. Sauer - Son of Gaye Jacobson - Founder of Operation Yellow Ribbon
59 Brian S. Economy - GMG2 Navy Driver
60 SP4 Thomas E. Alcorn - 1st Cav Div Army
Display Of AMA Desert Storm Operation Yellow Ribbon Trading Card Set
AMA: Desert Storm - Operation Yellow Ribbon Card Set: 60 cards.        $14.95 plus postage*
Sampling Of AMA Desert Storm Operation Yellow Ribbon Trading Cards
* Postage:  Please add flat $2 shipping for each card set.
Sorry, at this time we can only ship to U.S. customers.
Desert Shield
Yellow Ribbon
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Gulf War Facts
Desert Storm
Lime Rock:
Gulf Heroes
Desert Storm
Link to page with Pacific Desert Shield cards
Link to page with AMA Yellow Ribbon cards
Link to page with ProSet Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Troops: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Dart: Gulf War Facts cards
Link to page with DSI: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Lime Rock: Gulf Heroes cards
Link to page with Manning: Triumphs/Horrors cards
Link to page with Crown: Desert Storm cards
Several companies previously known for producing baseball trading cards saw the historic events unfolding in 1991, soon to be known as "The Gulf War," as an opportunity to document the action via their own unique media. Thus were born the Desert Storm Cards and one of the first sets to appear was from Topps, with three series of cards.

Although the cards from Topps were the only ones to include stickers, each competing manufacturer's set displays a unique quality.  Check out the way each company chooses to describe the action and decides upon what picture is worthy. Eventually, you'll want to collect and enjoy them all!
Topps: Desert Storm
Series II
Series III
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series II cards
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series III cards
Series I
Link To Page About Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Trading Cards
Main Page picture of desert military tents and flag raising
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Desert Storm Cards