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Dart Flipcards:  Desert Storm - Gulf War Fact Cards Set: 100 cards.    $19.95 plus postage*

Dart Flipcards: Gulf War Fact Cards

Display Of Dart Flipcards Desert Storm - Gulf War Fact Cards Set
Dart Flipcards entered the Gulf War trading cards market with one of the more unique approaches to reporting the action in Iraq and Kuwait in 1991. Using a format that was visually very similar to newspaper headline stories, Dart Flipcards reports each card topic as if it was in fact, just that: a news event.  While it's certainly true that there were endless incidents throughout the Gulf War that each warranted headlines, Dart Flipcarts seized that viewpoint and used it for the entire set.  The merging of a trading card medium with a newspaper, even a tabloid format at times, gives this particular card set it's unique flavor. Dramatic front pictures and black-on-white newspaper print on the back: 100 cards.
      Dart Flipcards List

1 Pictorial History of the Gulf War
2 Map / Colonial Era
3 Map / The Middle East Divided
4 Iraq Invades Kuwait
5 Map / Road to Independence
6 Map / Saddam's Rise to Power
7 U.N. Speaks Out
8 Call to Action
9 USS Independence
10 Defense Secretary
    Dick Cheney
11 Saddam Hanged in Effigy
12 Egyptians Bolster Coalition
13 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
14 General H. Norman
15 U.S. Military Build-Up
16 M2 Bradley
17 A-10 Thunderbolt "Warthog"
18 Control of the Seas
19 Battlship USS Missouri
20 F-14 Tomcat
21 French Helicopters Land
22 USS Ticonderoga
23 Iraqi Popular Army
24 Midair Refueling
25 Chemical Warfare Threat
26 Praying on the Frontlines
27 Troubled Kuwaiti Emir
28 Refugees Flee Invaders
29 Letters from Home
30 TOW Anti-Tank Missile
31 AWACS-Eyes in the Sky
32 British Army "Desert Rats"
33 Apache Attack Helicopters
34 Syrian T-62 Tanks Arrive
35 M-47 Dragon Anti-Tank Missile
36 President Bush Visits Troops
37 Stock Market Frenzy
38 Last-Ditch Peace Talks
39 Desert Storm Begins
40 Baghdad Attacked
41 Scud Missile Alert!
42 "No Blood for Oil"
43 Saddam Hussein
44 Smart Bomb on Target
45 F-15 Eagle
46 Supporting the Troops
47 B-52 Stratofortress
48 War Fears Hit Super Bowl
49 A-7E Corsair Attack Plane
50 General Colin Powell
51 Saddam Hussein's Bunker
52 Scud Missile Hits Tel Aviv
53 Patriot Anti-Missile Battery
54 Patriot in Pursuit
55 Shamir Surveys Damage
56 F-4G Wild Weasel
57 Marine Reinforcements Arrive
58 Hit the Dirt
59 Marines Fire 155mm Howitzer
60 Cobra Attacks Iraqi Positions
61 Fire-Fight at Khafji
62 Ecological Disaster
63 F-16 Fighting Falcon
64 Victims of the Oil Slick
65 Clearing the Minefields
66 Battleship USS Wisconsin
67 Battleship Bombs Resurrected
68 Scud
69 Baghdad Devastated
70 Supply Lines
71 Zoo Tragedy
72 Arming the F-117 Stealth
73 Tornado Fighter
74 Final Check
75 Kuwaiti Valentine Card
76 Gorbachev's Peace Efforts
77 Pilot's Nightmare
78 Israel Prepares for the Worst
79 Tomahawk Cruise Launched
80 F/A-18 Hornet Fighter-Bomber
81 M1-A1 Battle Tank
82 Marines Guard POWs
83 British PM John Major
84 Harriers Prepare for Action
85 Ground War Begins
86 Allied Strategy-Map 1
87 Allied Strategy-Map 2
88 Multi-National Effort
89 Taking Aim
90 Evacuating the Wounded
91 Scorched-Earth Campaign
92 "The Mother of All Surrenders"
93 Carnage of War
94 Skeletons of Retreat
95 Kuwait Liberated
96 Cease-Fire Talks
97 America's Pride Reborn
98 Marines Retake U.S. Embassy
99 Schwarzkopf's Finest Hour
100 Checklist
Sampling Of Dart Flipcards Desert Storm Gulf War Fact Cards
Picture Of Dart Flipcards Desert Storm - Gulf War Fact Cards Map Cards
Picture Of Dart Flipcards Desert Storm - Gulf War Fact Cards Kuwaiti Valentine Card
Left:   The famed "Kuwaiti Valentine," card #75.
Below:   The "Desert Storm Map," cards, #2, #3, #5, #6.
* Postage:  Please add flat $2 shipping for each card set.
Sorry, at this time we can only ship to U.S. customers.
Desert Shield
Yellow Ribbon
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Gulf War Facts
Desert Storm
Lime Rock:
Gulf Heroes
Desert Storm
Link to page with Pacific Desert Shield cards
Link to page with AMA Yellow Ribbon cards
Link to page with ProSet Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Troops: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Dart: Gulf War Facts cards
Link to page with DSI: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Lime Rock: Gulf Heroes cards
Link to page with Manning: Triumphs/Horrors cards
Link to page with Crown: Desert Storm cards
Several companies previously known for producing baseball trading cards saw the historic events unfolding in 1991, soon to be known as "The Gulf War," as an opportunity to document the action via their own unique media. Thus were born the Desert Storm Cards and one of the first sets to appear was from Topps, with three series of cards.

Although the cards from Topps were the only ones to include stickers, each competing manufacturer's set displays a unique quality.  Check out the way each company chooses to describe the action and decides upon what picture is worthy. Eventually, you'll want to collect and enjoy them all!
Topps: Desert Storm
Series II
Series III
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series II cards
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series III cards
Series I
Link To Page About Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Trading Cards
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