Pro Set: Desert Storm
Pro Set was by far the winner in the Longest Card List category, with a whopping 250 cards in the single set it produced! Although another manufacturer set it's sights on a 300 card set, that many cards never materialized. Pro Set divided it's content into 14 (15 counting the single card category: "Peace" as card #250) different 'categories.' Pro Set likely spent considerable effort gathering some of the data for the backs of the equipment cards. Full width pictures give this must-have collector's set a unique look. Collating a full set can be a particular challenge because of card distribution

Pro Set: Desert Storm 1991's Massive 250 Card List:
Geography Leader
1 Republic of Afghanistan 66 Brian Mulroney - Prime Minister of Canada
2 Argentine Republic 67 Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani - President of Iran
3 Commonwealth of Australia 68 Tariq Aziz - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister of Iraq
4 Republic of Austria 69 Saddam Hussein - President of Iraq
5 Baghdad 70 Yitzhak Shamir - Prime Minister of Israel
6 State of Bahrain 71 His Majesty King Hussein I - Jordan
7 People's Republic of Bangladesh 72 Sheik Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah - Emir of Kuwait
8 Basra 73 King Fahd Bin 'Abdulaziz - King & Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia
9 Kingdom of Belgium 74 Mikhail Gorbachev - President of the U.S.S.R.
10 People's Republic of Bulgaria 75 Hafez Al-Assad - President of Syria
11 Canada 76 John Major - Prime Minister of the U.K.
12 People's Republic of China 77 Javier Pérez de Cuéllar - Secretary General of the United Nations
13 Czech and Slovak Federative Republic 78 James Baker - Secretary of State, U.S.A.
14 Kingdom of Denmark 79 George Herbert Walker Bush - President of the U.S.A.
15 Diego Garcia 80 Richard B. Cheney - Secretary of Defense, U.S.A.
16 The Arab Republic of Egypt 81 Marlin Fitzwater - Press Secretary for the President, U.S.A.
17 Republic of Finland 82 General Alfred M. Gray - Commander, U.S. Marine Corps
18 French Republic 83 Lieutenant General Charles A. Horner - Commander, 9th Air Force; U.S. Central
Command Air Forces, Shaw AFB, S.C.
19 Federal Republic of Germany 84 Margaret Hilda Thatcher - Former Prime Minister, UK
20 Hellenic Republic [Greece] 85 Admiral Frank B. Kelso II - Chief of Naval Operations, U.S. Navy
21 Republic of Honduras 86 General Merrill A. McPeak - Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
22 Republic of Hungary 87 Brigadier General Richard L. Neal - Director, Manpower Plans & Policy Division,
U.S. Marine Corps
23 Iceland 88 General Colin L. Powell - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.A.
24 Islamic Republic of Iran 89 General H. Normah Schwarzkopf - Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command
25 Republic of Iraq
26 State of Israel Government Intelligence File
27 Italian Republic
28 Japan 90 Canadian Executive Branch 128 Amphibious Assault
29 Jerusalem 91 Canadian National Anthem 129 Arabic Language
30 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 92 Canadian System 130 Arab League
31 State of Kuwait 93 Iraqi System 131 Chemical/Biological Warfare
32 The City of Kuwait 94 Kuwait System 132 Christianity
33 Republic of Lebanon 95 Saudia Arabia System 133 Chronology of Events
34 Libya 96 United Nations History 134 Conserving Energy
35 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 97 United Nations Organization 135 Dog Tags
36 Malaysia 98 United Nations Resolutions 136 Donating Blood
37 Kingdom of Morocco 99 United Nations Sanctions 137 Islam
38 Kingdom of the Netherlands 100 United Nations Security Council 138 Journalism
39 New Zealand 101 United Kingdom System 139 Judaism
40 Republic of Niger 102 Central Intelligence Agency
41 Kingdom of Norway 103 U.S. Congress Intelligence
42 Sultanate of Oman 104 U.S. Constitution
43 Islamic Republic of Pakistan 105 Department of Defense (DOD) 140 Mideast Greeting Customs
44 Persian Gulf 106 Pentagon
45 Republic of the Philippines 107 Judicial System Intelligence File
46 Republic of Poland 108 U.S. National Anthem
47 Republic of Portugal 109 National Security Act
48 State of Qatar 110 The Pledge of Allegiance 141 Middle East History - Colonial
49 Riyadh 111 U.S. President and Cabinet 142 Middle East History - Present
50 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 112 U.S. Department of State 143 Middle East History - Ancient
51 Republic of Senegal 144 Oil
52 Republic of Sierra Leone Personnel 145 Palestinians
53 South Korea 146 Reconaissance
54 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 113 Fire Fighters 147 Red Cross
55 Spain 114 Military Police 148 Reserves
56 Kingdom of Sweden 115 Radar Operators 149 Rank
57 Syrian Arab Republic 116 The Chaplains' Corps 150 United Service Organization
58 Taiwan (Republic of China) 117 The Infantryman 151 Yellow Ribbons
59 Tel Aviv 118 United States Air Force
60 Republic of Turkey 119 United States Army
61 United Arab Emirates 120 United States Coast Guard
62 United Kingdom 121 United States Marine Corps
63 United States of America 122 United States Navy
64 Washington, District of Columbia 123 United States Air Force Academy
65 Republic of Yemen 124 U.S. Marine Warrior
125 United States Military Academy West Point
126 U.S. Naval Academy
127 U.S. Navy SEALs
Military Skill Military Asset - Fighting Ship Military Asset - Missile
152 Camouflage 176 USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) 212 FIM-92A Stinger
153 Collect/Report Information 177 Kilauea Class Ammunition Ship (AE) 213 Hawk Guided Missile System
154 Courtesy 178 USS England (CG-22) 214 M1M-104 Patriot
155 Discipline 179 USS Inchon (LPH-12) 215 Tomahawk Cruise Missile
156 Education 180 USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) 216 SS-1C Scud B/C
157 First Aid 181 USS Midway (CV-41) 217 AIM-9 Sidewinder
158 Fitness 182 USS Wisconsin (BB-64) 218 AGM-65 Maverick
159 Greenwich Mean Time 183 USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) 219 M220A1 TOW
160 Hand Signals 184 USS Saratoga (CV-60)
161 Health & Hygiene 185 USS Ranger (CV-61) Military Asset - Warbird
162 Heroes Don't Do Drugs 186 USS Richmond K. Turner (CG-20)
163 Inspection 187 USS Missouri (BB-63) 220 FB-111 Aardvark
164 Latitude and Longitude 188 Aggressive Class Mine Sweeper (MSO) 221 F-14 Tomcat
165 Map Reading 189 Farragut Class Destroyer (DDG) 222 F-15 Eagle
166 Women in Combat 190 USNS Hospital Ship (TAH) 223 F-16 Fighting Falcon
167 Military Time 191 Knox Class Frigate (FF) 224 F-4G Wild Wease
168 Moon Phases 192 Newport Class Tank Landing Ship (LST) 225 F/A-18 Hornet
169 Navigation 193 USS America (CV-66) 226 KC-10A Extender
170 Noise, Light & Litter Discipline 194 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser (CG) 227 MIG-21 Fishbed
171 Phonetic Alphabet 195 Spruance Class Destroyer (DD) 228 MIG-23 Flogger
172 Range 196 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate (FFG) 229 Mirage 2000
173 Recognition Cards 197 LCAC 230 UH-1 Iroquois
174 Survival 231 UH-60A Black Hawk
175 Teamwork Military Asset - Combat Gear 232 Tornado
233 F-117A Stealth Fighter
Military Asset - Fighting Ship 198 M60 Machine Gun 234 C-5 Galaxy
235 A-7 Corsair
176 USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) Military Asset - Armor & Artillery 236 A-10 Thunderbolt II
177 Kilauea Class Ammunition Ship (AE) 237 A-6 Intruder
178 USS England (CG-22) 199 M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle 238 AH-1 Cobra
179 USS Inchon (LPH-12) 200 T-62 Main Battle Bank 239 AH-64 Apache
180 USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) 201 Challenger Main Battle Tank 240 AV-8B Harrier II
181 USS Midway (CV-41) 202 T-72 Main Battle Tank 241 B-52 Stratofortress
182 USS Wisconsin (BB-64) 203 AMX-30 Tank 242 C-130 Hercules
183 USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) 204 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) 243 C-141B Starlifter
184 USS Saratoga (CV-60) 205 M109 DSWS Howitzer 244 CH-46 Sea Knight
185 USS Ranger (CV-61) 206 M113 Armored Personnel Carrier 245 CH-47D Chinook
186 USS Richmond K. Turner (CG-20) 207 M998 Hummer 246 E-2C Hawkeye
187 USS Missouri (BB-63) 208 M1 Main Battle Tank 247 E-3 Sentry AWACS
188 Aggressive Class Mine Sweeper (MSO) 209 M1A1 Abrams Tank 248 EA-6B Prowler
189 Farragut Class Destroyer (DDG) 210 M551 Sheridan
190 USNS Hospital Ship (TAH) 211 M60 Main Battle Tank Military Asset
191 Knox Class Frigate (FF)
192 Newport Class Tank Landing Ship (LST) 249 Bombs
193 USS America (CV-66)
194 Ticonderoga Class Cruiser (CG) Peace
195 Spruance Class Destroyer (DD)
196 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate (FFG) 250 ...let us strive on to finish
197 LCAC the work we are in..

Pro Set Trading Cards : Operation Desert Storm: 250 cards. $21.95 plus postage*
* Postage: Please add flat $2 shipping for each card set.
Sorry, at this time we can only ship to U.S. customers.
Desert Shield
Yellow Ribbon
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Gulf War Facts
Desert Storm
Lime Rock:
Gulf Heroes
Desert Storm
Several companies previously known for producing baseball trading cards saw the historic events unfolding in 1991, soon to be known as "The Gulf War," as an opportunity to document the action via their own unique media. Thus were born the Desert Storm Cards and one of the first sets to appear was from Topps, with three series of cards.
Although the cards from Topps were the only ones to include stickers, each competing manufacturer's set displays a unique quality. Check out the way each company chooses to describe the action and decides upon what picture is worthy. Eventually, you'll want to collect and enjoy them all!
Topps: Desert Storm
Series II
Series III
Series I
Collector Cards Headquarters
Desert Storm Cards