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Topps Desert Storm: Series 3 - Homecoming Edition

Topps Trading Cards' third issue of cards which chronicled the Gulf War of 1991 was aptly titled Topps Desert Storm - Series 3: Homecoming Edition.  Since it was apparent Saddam Hussein was not quite prepared for the international forces, the "battles" did not last long, but they were intense.  The Coalition casualties were few but deeply mourned.  The return of the surviving soldiers was a momentous occasion and the focus of the Series 3 card set.

The second and third series of cards did contain stickers, but were limited to 11 in each.  This third series contains reproductions of some of the medals awarded, as well as a couple of popular mottos.  Of course, the backs of the sticker holders created another chilling Gulf War scene puzzle.
        Series 3 Card List

177 President George Bush
178 General Norman Schwarzkopf
179 Dick Cheney
180 General Colin Powell
181 Emir Jaber al Sabah
182 John Major
183 François Mitterand
184 Hosni Mubarak
185 Mikhail Gorbachev
186 King Fahd
187 Hafez Assad
188 Javier Perez de Cuellar
189 Saddam Hussein
190 Kuwaity Troops
191 Qatari Troops
192 British Troops
193 French Troops
194 Egyptian Forces
195 Saudi Soldiers
196 Syrian Soldiers
197 AH-1 Cobra
198 AH-64 Apache
199 CH-47D Chinook
200 A-6 Intruder
201 AV-8B Harrier
202 A-10 Thunderbolt
203 B-52 Stratofortress
204 F-4G Wild Weasel
205 F-14 Tomcat
206 F-15 Eagle
207 F-16 Fighting Falcon
208 F/A-18 Hornet
209 M-198 Howitzer
210 Paratroopers Jump
211 F-117A Stealth
212 TOW Missile
213 Light Armored Vehicle
214 LVTP
215 M-1A1 Abrams
216 M-2 Bradley
217 Multi-Launch Rocket System
218 M-60 Tank
219 Night Vision Goggles
220 Working Dogs
221 Reporting Center
222 M-110 Howitzer
223 SCUDs Explode
224 Vulcan System
225 Dragon Missile
226 E-3 Sentry
227 C-5B Galaxy
228 Tomahawk Cruise Missile
229 KC-10 Extender
230 Hummer
231 Bomb's-Eye View
232 FB-111 Aardvark
233 M48A1 Chaparral Missile System
234 M-551 Sheridan
235 The Burning Fields
236 Ecological Warfare
237 M-113 Armored Personnel Carrier
238 Working Together
239 The Ground War
240 Schwarzkopf's Plan
241 Iraqis Surrender - A
242 Iraqis Surrender - B
243 Iraqis Surrender - C
244 Target Markings
245 Mood at Home
246 Rally of Support
247 Liberation Day - A
248 Liberation Day - B
249 Liberation Day - C
250 Anticipation Grows
251 82nd Airborne Returns
252 USS Mississippi Comes Home
253 The Wisconsin Returns
254 Pride in the Troops
255 Meeting the Crowd
256 Safe at Home
257 Tomcats Fly In
258 Home Again
259 Worth Fighting For
260 Marines Return
261 Heroes' Welcome
262 Reunited!
263 Daddy's Home!
264 Checklist
88 cards, red lettering on grey stock, black lettering on yellow caption marquee, yellow shields.
11 puzzle stickers as described below.
Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards, Series 3: Homecoming Edition
                        88 cards + 11 stickers, in protective box.
$12.95 plus postage *
Topps Desert Storm Series 3: Homecoming Edition Sticker Set  (above)
The sticker set with puzzle partially revealed (below)
34 Southwest Asia Service Medal
35 National Defense Service Medal
36 Purple Heart
37 Prisoner-of-War Medal
38 United States Army Silver Star Medal
39 Joint Service Achievement Award
40 Medal of Honor
41 Top Gun
42 These Colors Don't Run!
43 Let Freedom Ring
44 Welcome Home
Series 3 Sticker Set:
Medals and Mottos
A closeup look at just a few of the cards in the Topps Desert Storm - Series 3: Homecoming Edition trading card set.  More of the air land and seapower machinery used by the Coalition to remove Saddam Hussein's army from Kuwait.  This final set focuses on the return of the Gulf War heroes and their reception here at home.
Sampling of Topps Desert Storm Series 3 Homecoming Edition trading cards
Display of Topps Desert Storm Series 3 Homecoming Edition trading cards
* Postage:  Please add flat $2 shipping for each card set.
Sorry, at this time we can only ship to U.S. customers.
Main Page picture of desert military tents and flag raising
Desert Storm Cards
Collector Cards Headquarters
Desert Shield
Yellow Ribbon
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Gulf War Facts
Desert Storm
Lime Rock:
Gulf Heroes
Desert Storm
Link to page with Pacific Desert Shield cards
Link to page with AMA Yellow Ribbon cards
Link to page with ProSet Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Troops: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Dart: Gulf War Facts cards
Link to page with DSI: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Lime Rock: Gulf Heroes cards
Link to page with Manning: Triumphs/Horrors cards
Link to page with Crown: Desert Storm cards
Several companies previously known for producing baseball trading cards saw the historic events unfolding in 1991, soon to be known as "The Gulf War," as an opportunity to document the action via their own unique media. Thus were born the Desert Storm Cards and one of the first sets to appear was from Topps, with three series of cards.

Although the cards from Topps were the only ones to include stickers, each competing manufacturer's set displays a unique quality.  Check out the way each company chooses to describe the action and decides upon what picture is worthy. Eventually, you'll want to collect and enjoy them all!
Topps: Desert Storm
Series II
Series III
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series II cards
Series I
Link To Page About Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Trading Cards