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Several companies previously known for producing baseball trading cards saw the historic events unfolding in 1991, soon to be known as "The Gulf War," as an opportunity to document the action via their own unique media. Thus were born the Desert Storm Cards and one of the first sets to appear was from Topps, with three series of cards.

Although the cards from Topps were the only ones to include stickers, each competing manufacturer's set displays a unique quality.  Check out the way each company chooses to describe the action and decides upon what picture is worthy. Eventually, you'll want to collect and enjoy them all!
Desert Storm Cards
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Topps Desert Storm - Series 1: Coalition For Peace

The Topps Trading card company was probably the first to release a non-sports trading card set describing the Gulf War Crisis of 1991.  However, the best known release was Series 1: Coalition For Peace.  In fact, there were three unique appearances of this series of cards:

1. The very first cards appearing had brown lettering in the shield which appeared on every card as well as on the words "Desert Storm" on sticker #17.  This "Camouflage" set was distinctly appealing in this form, but was only released early on and in small numbers.

2. Soon after that, Topps began printing the Series I: Coalition For Peace cards with the completely golden yellow lettered shields and on sticker #17.  This "Historical" version is easier to find and should be on every non-sports card collector's must-have list!  The men, women and machines of The Gulf War are vividly depicted in this 88 card set.

3. In response to the popularity of this unique form of media describing all the people and action during this crisis, there was yet a third, but much rarer version of the Topps Desert Storm Series 1 cards set, called the "Tiffany" set.  The Tiffany card set was separately printed, on white card stock, with a special high-gloss coating over the front picture.  These cards are certainly a collector's delight although harder to find today.  In fact, you'd have to go to just the right specialty sports card store to find any of these.  But you can get them here at Desert Storm Cards.

One additional unique quality of the Topps Desert Storm card sets is their inclusion of sticker cards!  These are indeed peelable stickers, each having a full-color reproduction of medals of honor, combat unit logos, war mottos, etc.  Although a card collector probably wouldn't actually peel the stickers, a war veteran or family member could proudly do so and display these anywhere, since they were supposedly authentic graphics.  In addition to the stickers, the backs of these cards are pieces to a larger puzzle, showing views of the action probably quite familiar to the soldiers themselves.  The Desert Storm Cards Series 1 actually had 22 stickers that could be found in the card packs, comprising two 10-card puzzles, plus a card for each showing the completed scene.  Each of
Series 2: Victory Series and Series 3: Homecoming Edition had 11 stickers, with a unique scene puzzle of the backs of those, too. The complete sticker set is always included with sets purchased here from, unlike other sources.

Below are descriptions and offers for each of the three incarnations of the Topps Desert Storm Series 1: Coalition For Peace card sets.
      Series 1: Card List

1 The Commander in Chief
2 General Colin Powell
3 Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney
4 General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
5 General Richard G. Graves
6 Admiral Frank Kelso
7 of Staff General Charles Gabriel
8 Stallion Helicopter
9 CH-53 Helicopter
10 SH-60B Helicopter
11 AH-64 Apache
12 CH-47 Chinook
13 UH-1 Huey Navy Bell
14 CH-53 Super Stallion
15 Helicopter Formation
16 Cobra 'Copter
17 Canadian Air Force CF-18
18 French Mirage Fighter
19 Britain's Tornado
20 State of the Art Stealth Fighter Bomber
21 F-117A Stealth
22 F-14 Flies in Formation
23 Phoenix Missiles on F-14
24 Pilots-Eye View
25 B-52 Stratofortress
26 Ready for Takeoff
27 Flying High - The F-18
28 Taking Off in an F-18
29 An F-18 Waits To Fly
30 Wild Blue Yonder
31 Wings over Egypt
32 The Amazing AV-8B Harrier
33 The Sentry - An E3A
34 A-10s in Formation
35 EA-6B Prowler
36 F-111 Bombers
37 F-15 Fighter Plane
38 M-2 Bradley Tank
39 Manning the M-110
40 Tanks Take a Strong Hold
41 Lining Up the Tanks
42 Sunset on the Desert
43 M-1 Abrams
44 Hummer Land Vehicle
45 TOW Anti-Tank Gun
46 The Power of the Tomahawk
47 Tomahawk Missile in Flight
48 The Patriot Missile
49 The Sidewinder Missile
50 SCUD Missile (A)
51 SCUD Missile (B)
52 Hawk Missile
53 Phoenix Missile
54 Army Supply Ship
55 Carrier Plane at Night
56 USS Midway
57 USS America
58 Destroyers
59 USS Iowa
60 USS Wisconsin
61 USS Ouellet Frigate
62 Moving In
63 Night Vision Goggles
64 F-18 Cockpit
65 At the Controls
66 Patriot Control Center
67 Aegis Control Center
68 Airborne Unit
69 Preparing To Jump
70 Paratrooper in Flight
71 Anti-Aircraft Chemical Gear
72 Satellite Dish
73 Machine Gunner
74 Marine Firefighters
75 Ready in the Cockpit
76 Wearing the Gas Mask
77 Patriot Missile Command Center
78 Machine Guns Ready
79 Mid-Air Refueling
80 In Flight with A-7s
81 The View from Above
82 Mission Accomplished
83 Dawn in the Desert
84 Heat Storm in the Gulf
85 A Quiet Moment
86 Sunset on the F-14
87 The Pentagon
88 Checklist

   Topps Desert Storm - Series 1: Coalition For Peace Card Set

All three print versions of the Topps Desert Storm Series 1 cards contain the same content.  As mentioned, there are variations in their appearance, with regards to print coloring and photo finishing, but you'll find the same men and equipment depicted no matter which of the three variations you choose.  Some collectors make sure they have all the print styles - they make for quite a display!  Below is a look at the entire set, with this particular shot being from the Historical version.

Topps Desert Storm - Series 1: Coalition For Peace Sticker Set

Likewise, all three print versions of the Topps Desert Storm Series 1 card packs carry the same 22 stickers, with variations only on sticker #17, which has Camouflage Brown lettering of "Desert Storm" in the earliest, or "Brown" cards issued.
Display of Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Coalition For Peace trading cards
Display of Topps Desert Storm 1 Coalition For Peace Trading Cards Sticker Set
Display of Topps Desert Storm 1 Coalition For Peace Trading Cards Sticker Set Puzzle
                 Series 1 Stickers List

1  American Flag
2  37th Field Artillery Motto: On the Minute
3  75th Infantry Motto: "Of Their Own Accord"
4  8th Field Artillery Motto: Daring and Tenacious
5  320th Field Artillery Motto: Willing and Able
6  73rd Armor Motto: Honor, Fidelity, Courage
7  504th Infantry Motto: Strike - Hold
8  34th Armor Motto: The Strong Arm for Victory
9  506th Infantry Motto: Stands Alone
10 48th Infantry Motto: Dragoon
11 41st Field Artillery Motto: Mission Accomplished
12 503rd Infantry Motto: The Rock
13 17th Cavalry Motto: Forward
14 62nd Air Defense Artillery "We Aim at High Things"
15 6th Field Artillery
16 2nd Infantry Motto: "Do Not Touch Me"
17 Desert Storm
18 U.S. Air Force Emblem
19 Congressional Medal of Honor
20 U.S. Navy
21 U.S. Central Command
22 American Flag
The Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Blue Puzzle stickers, with the startling puzzle picture partially exposed.

The Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Cards & Stickers Set:



88 cards, blue lettering on grey stock, white lettering on green caption marquee, yellow shields.  22 stickers as described above.
Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards, Series 1 ("Historical Version"):
                        88 cards + 22 stickers, in protective box.
$14.95 plus postage *
* Postage:  Please add flat $2 shipping for each card set.
Sorry, at this time we can only ship to U.S. customers.

The Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Cards & Stickers Set:



88 cards, blue lettering on white stock, white lettering on green caption marquee, yellow shields.  22 stickers as described above.
Ultra high-gloss card face coating, plus high-contrast white stock makes this the ultimate Desert Storm trading cards display set.
Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards, Series 1 ("Tiffany Version"):
                        88 cards + 22 stickers, in protective box.
$22.95 plus postage *
Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards Set Picture - Series 1 Yellow Shield
Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards Set Picture - Series 1 Tiffany Version

The Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Cards & Stickers Set:

Brown (Camo)


Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards Set Picture - Series 1 Brown Shield
Topps Desert Storm Card Set Picture - Series 1 Brown Shield Closeup
The distinctive brown lettering of this rare early version of Series1 is a collector's delight!
88 cards, blue lettering on grey stock, white lettering on green caption marquee, brown shields.  22 stickers as described above.
$27.95 plus postage *
Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards, Series 1 ("Brown Version"):
                        88 cards + 22 stickers, in protective box.
Desert Shield
Yellow Ribbon
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Gulf War Facts
Desert Storm
Lime Rock:
Gulf Heroes
Desert Storm
Link to page with Pacific Desert Shield cards
Link to page with AMA Yellow Ribbon cards
Link to page with ProSet Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Troops: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Dart: Gulf War Facts cards
Link to page with DSI: Desert Storm cards
Link to page with Lime Rock: Gulf Heroes cards
Link to page with Manning: Triumphs/Horrors cards
Link to page with Crown: Desert Storm cards
Topps: Desert Storm
Series II
Series III
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series III cards
Link to page with Topps Desert Storm Series II cards
Series I
Link To Page About Topps Desert Storm Series 1 Trading Cards