Manning: Triumphs & Horrors Of The Gulf War Card Set: 50 cards. $18.95 plus postage*
Manning: Triumphs & Horrors Of The Gulf War
Manning released a particularly poignant set of cards depicting the events of the Gulf War. While not quite the tabloid, or sensationalism type of reporting, the cards did focus on events that weren't always at the forefront of the news, due to the negativity that would have followed such news. The strife of the populace in the face of all the fighting wasn't something we read about nearly as much as the news of the military action. "Collateral damage" inflicted on those not directly active in the fighting was just as real as targeted actions. Thus, the 'horrors' as well as the 'triumphs' received attention in this unique 50 card set which should be mandatory reading. Please note that some pictures may be disturbing to some individuals.
Manning: Card List
1 Man of the Hour
2 An Allied Tank Under Fire
3 Greek Riot Police Clash with Protestors
4 Demonstrators for Saddam
5 Scud Damage in Saudi Arabia
6 Israielis Brace for Scud Attacks
7 Kuwaitis Demonstrate against Hussein
8 Bombs Burst in Baghdad
9 U.S. Barracks after a Scud Hit
10 Refugee Camp Violence
11 Israeli Woman Hit by Scud Attack
12 A Time to Pray
13 Scud Attacks Wreak Havoc
14 Bombed Out Building in Baghdad
15 Dead Iraqi Civilians
16 Faith in God Survives
17 Scuds Hit Israel Again
18 Hungry Refugees Hoping for Food
19 Israeli Women - Homeless but Alive
20 Exploding Iraqi Bunker
21 Captured in the Desert
22 U.S. Marine with Iraqi Prisoner
23 The Victor Leading the Vanquished
24 Iraqi Prisoners Guarded by Kuwaitis
25 Returning in Triumph
26 Burned Bus & Iraqi Bodies
27 The Face of Hell
28 Wartime Horrors Spare No Creature
29 Liberation Celebration
30 Cheering the U.S. Troops
31 Stoning Saddam
32 An Iraqi Torture Victim
33 A Gift for Her Savior
34 Cheering Kuwaiti Children on Destroyed Tank
35 The Ugly Face of Pollution
36 Head of Our Victorious Forces
37 At Last - Kuwait Freed
38 The Winner and the Losers
39 Charred Limbs Hang from Wrecked Truck
40 After the War - Devastation Continues
41 The Vice-President Speaks Out
42 Hungry, Cold and Desperate
43 Kurdish Refugees Clamoring for Food
44 The Hideous Scars of War
45 Starving Kurds Storm Bread Trailer
46 New Life Surrounded by Death
47 The Innocent Suffer and Die
48 The Face of Death
49 Refugees Devour Bread Crumbs
50 Turned Back at the Turkish Border
* Postage: Please add flat $2 shipping for each card set.
Sorry, at this time we can only ship to U.S. customers.
Desert Shield
Yellow Ribbon
Desert Storm
Desert Storm
Gulf War Facts
Desert Storm
Lime Rock:
Gulf Heroes
Desert Storm
Several companies previously known for producing baseball trading cards saw the historic events unfolding in 1991, soon to be known as "The Gulf War," as an opportunity to document the action via their own unique media. Thus were born the Desert Storm Cards and one of the first sets to appear was from Topps, with three series of cards.
Although the cards from Topps were the only ones to include stickers, each competing manufacturer's set displays a unique quality. Check out the way each company chooses to describe the action and decides upon what picture is worthy. Eventually, you'll want to collect and enjoy them all!
Topps: Desert Storm
Series II
Series III
Series I
Collector Cards Headquarters
Desert Storm Cards